The Pitch: Jaws II meets Good Will Hunting II: Hunting Season
Price of Admission: $2.50
When: June 20, 1992 at 1 pm
My Age: 11
Quote: Security? Who let Vicki Vale into the Batcave? I'm sitting there working; I turn around, there she is. "Oh hi, Vick - come on in." - Bruce Wayne
Villain overload buried in the Burton-esque pastel shades of gray. Batman Returns raises the question of how much is one Jack Nicholson worth. The answer: not Michelle Pheiffer, Danny DeVito, and Christopher Walken combined. Clearly, they went Quant over Qual in this movie. Three villains and not one emerges as the main antagonist. Tsk-tsk, my high school English teacher would say.
Synopsis: Pee-Wee Herman tosses out a baby. It becomes Danny DeVito (The Penguin). Christopher Walken tosses out a Michelle Pheiffer. She becomes Catwoman. The screenwriter of Hudson Hawk tosses out a shitty script. It becomes Batman Returns.

This is a nice experiment in phoning it in. One can see Tim Burton as Gus Van Sant in the movie-within-a-movie Goodwill Hunting II: Hunting Season of Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back. Just sitting there, off to the side in his director's chair, counting all the money he's just raked in saying, "Alright just shoot it and slather my trademark art direction and set design all over it and we'll call it a day." (A constant stance he'll take on the many of his films that do not start with Pee-, Bee-, or Ed- over the rest of his career.) All I can say is, "applesauce, bitch."
Next Up: The guy from American Pie has a jerky elbow.