The Band: Radiohead
Sounds Like: Pink Floyd meets R.E.M.Opening Band: Beta Band and Kid Koala
Price of Admission: $37.50
When: July 31st, 2001 at 7:00 pm
Venue: Meadow at Stone Mountain, GA
My Age: 20
Highlight: Thom Yorke's close-up piano cam during You And Whose Army?
01 National Anthem
02 Morning Bell
03 Airbag
04 Lucky
05 Packt like sardines in a crushd tin box
06 Knives out
07 Exit music (for a film)
08 Climbing up the walls
09 No surprises
10 Dollars and cents
11 Street spirit (fade out)
12 I might be wrong
13 Pyramid song
14 Paranoid android
15 Idioteque
16 Everything in its right place
-- First encore--
17 Karma police
18 Pearly
19 You and whose army
20 How to disappear completely
-- Second encore--
21 Talk show host
22 The Bends