Influence: The Nutty Professor, Evan Almighty
Price of Admission: $3.50
When: November 11, 1994 at 5pm
My Age: 13
Quote: It's Santa! You killed him! - Charlie
Checking IMDb, it seems I saw this holiday shill on opening day. I remember being a fan of Home Improvement at the time. Especially all the sight gags featuring only a portion of neighbor Earl's face. They must have milked that joke from the udders of the Mayfield dairy farm.
Synopsis: Tim Allen's in one of those divorce - fighting for custody - never have time for your kid plot lines. He gets stuck with the kid on Christmas. Somehow he startles Santa on the roof and kills him. He is kidnapped and taken to the North Pole where he is given a contract. The fine print has a clause(get it? not Santa, but as in the legal stipulation. someone based an entire script on a pun. which is awesome.) saying he must become the new Santa Claus. For the next year he goes through a kind of St. Nick puberty. His chin drops. His voice becomes jolly. He notices a change in the girth of his, um, belly. Meanwhile, his wife is in cahoots with Judge Reinhold. I think there was some ensuing of hijinx. And Christmas gets saved.
The most vivid memory I have about seeing this movie is that I went over to my friend's house afterward and played Earthworm Jim on the Sega Genesis for the first time.